
Creating Job Satisfaction

Written by PRT Staffing Content Team | 08.18.22

Creating job satisfaction means different things to different people. If you're honestly looking for ways to find and retain employees who will grow along with your company, then it's essential to learn their definition of job satisfaction.

Some people need good pay, flexible office hours, and good benefits to be satisfied, but others need a good team, reliable resources, and a mission. Let's take a look at how you can create job satisfaction for your employees.

How to Determine Which Job is Satisfying

People complain about their jobs often, and sometimes that complaint is about the job itself. They aren't satisfied with the role they're playing or the company's purpose. There's no job satisfaction. While everyone has bad days at work, not experiencing job satisfaction goes further. If you or someone you know is perpetually unhappy at work, it is likely time to find a new job that is more satisfying.

What is Job Satisfaction? How is Job Satisfaction Defined?

Job satisfaction is determined by how a person feels about their job. It is a balance of positive career components that gives employees a feeling of value and purpose vs. negative career components, like working long hours, feeling unappreciated, or not understanding the purpose of their role.

How Do Employees Gain Job Satisfaction?

An employee gains job satisfaction by experiencing their job filtered through their own personal lens. The lens is a combination of their values, aims, and goals. This means that two employees in the exact same job can derive different levels of satisfaction. For instance, Employee #1 has a lot of bills to pay to cover their child's college tuition. They achieve job satisfaction with reliable, steady pay as the primary determinant.

Employee #2 likes the paycheck, but they get their job satisfaction from helping others. Therefore they will be more satisfied in a job that allows them to interact with internal or external customers.

In reality, achieving job satisfaction is more nuanced. People usually have more than one factor that influences how much job satisfaction they get. Therefore, before you start looking for a job, it helps to know what elements have to be in place for you to be satisfied.

This works for employers, too. Knowing what you can offer a prospective employee when they're hired, can help you find the best person for the current job opening.

Job Satisfaction: Job Roles

In any one industry, different jobs or roles can offer various amounts and types of job satisfaction. If you look at large industries like healthcare, law enforcement, or education, you can find numerous roles in each industry. In healthcare, for instance, jobs range from physicians and nurses to EMS workers and patient outreach to food service and administration. Each role offers different levels and types of job satisfaction.

Job Satisfaction: Key Factors

Here is a list of types of job satisfaction to consider when seeking or offering a new job. These factors, in different amounts, are what most people need in a job for satisfaction.

  1. Job Security

  2. Working Conditions

  3. Pay and Benefits

  4. Communication

  5. Recognition

  6. Career Development

  7. Variety

  8. Understanding Employee Differences

  9. Company Values

  10. Human Contact

  11. Work-life Balance

  12. Respect for Illness or Condition

If you're looking for ways to improve job satisfaction for your employees, consider how to provide more of these factors. If you're seeking employment, decide which of these factors are absolutely necessary, and which aren't as important. Then you'll be ready for the interview.