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worker in warehouse picking up a box

Skills Assessment Tests for Light Industrial Jobs

Light industrial jobs generally require less experience and training than other sectors, but skills assessment tests can be useful to successfully match applicants with the right employment opportunities.

Employers fulfilling light industrial staffing orders, especially those on the most demanding shifts, must pay close attention to details such as common sense problem-solving, ability to function with minimal supervision, and workplace attitudes towards issues such as punctuality, safety and drug use.

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Operator with overseer working in warehouse

What is Light Industrial?

The most iconic industrial jobs involve heavy equipment and massive footprints in sectors such as aerospace, chemical production, infrastructure construction, machine tool building, mining, oil and gas, shipbuilding, and steel production.

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Delivery driver loading his van with boxes outside the warehouse

First Impressions Matter!

When you are interviewing for a new job, you only have one chance to make a first impression. This first impression can make or break your ability to get the job, so it is essential for you to make the most of this important opportunity. Read on to find out why first impressions are important, as well as what you can do to make a good first impression and maximize your chances of getting the position you want.

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PRT Staffing Don't Fret the Employment Gap (Too Much) Worried Girl at Computer

Don't Fret the Employment Gap (Too Much)

Thanks to the current COVID-19 pandemic, more people than ever have been out of work for longer periods of time. There are many reasons for this, including having a compromised immune system and being unable to work in a traditional setting, being laid off due to COVID-19 cuts, or needing to stay home with children when schools shut down. Now that there is a vaccine, things are slowly starting to get back to normal, and people who have had a gap in employment are looking for employment.

In the past, it was hard to find a job after having a gap in employment, but that is less of a problem now. Here is what you need to consider if you have an employment gap.

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